The countdown on the dashboard of my Mac says I have 7 hours and 54 minutes to go! My bags are all packed after a few trips to Target and Walgreens. This picture was of my poor mother's living room as of 4 o'clock this afternoon. Thankfully it's all packed up and ready!
My mind is all over the place tonight. I've been dreaming and praying for this moment for so long. I'm excited and yet nervous all the same, but I figure that's a good place to be. I have no agenda and am trying not to have any expectations. I want to savor each moment. I want to find God in unforeseen places and people. I want to experience Jesus in a deeper way. I don’t want to be the same. The director of Visiting Orphans passed this quote along to my team members and so I printed it and put it in the front of my journal. I pray that I will take the words below to heart and practice them over the next two weeks.
”Be flexible, for I have places to take you and things to show you that you will miss if you are rigid and unyielding. Keep an open mind and an open heart, and I will give you nuggets of wisdom and spiritual truth in the most unexpected ways in unforeseen places. I want to extricate you from the grip of religious spirits that require you to be stern, precise, and in control. Spontaneity will give you the freedom to move with the wind of My Spirit, says the Lord“.
Please pray for my team members and I as we set out tomorrow to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Here are some specifics:
- Safe travel for the entire team (many legs of travel)
- That we would stay healthy during the trip
- That the children we come in contact with would feel loved and cared for
- That Jesus is glorified in all that we say and do
- That we can serve the Ethiopian and Ugandan people and orphans and love them like Jesus loves us all
Thank you for all your support and prayers. I can't wait to share the pictures and stories with you! Love you all so much!
soli deo gloria!